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[ignored] Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - Printable Version

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[ignored] Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - ekolis - 08-21-2015

Shouldn't it be independent of where your mouse is?

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - Nova - 08-22-2015

Yeah, It'd really like to bind F2 to renaming in the geometry graph, but it doesn't seem possible.

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - micheus - 08-22-2015

Maybe because Tweak uses F1, F2, F3 to set X,Y,Z constraints.

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - Nova - 08-24-2015

That isn't the issue. Even if I try to bind it to "J" it doesn't work. The same things goes for the AutoUV window; can't bind shortcuts there either.

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - micheus - 08-28-2015

Oh, I understood your point now.

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - Wegg - 09-03-2015

Came here to post this exact problem. The only way I have been able to do it is hit ctrl-insert before navigating through the right click menu to find what I wanted to set a hot-key for. My prior method was to go to the place in the menu, think to myself "Boy I use this a lot" and THEN hitting Ctrl-insert and binding it to a hot key.

RE: Pressing Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window - dgud - 09-06-2015

Wegg, it is not possible to catch key presses once you have opened a menu,
so I had to change the order of how it is done.

Also it currently only work on geom windows...