Wings 3D Development Forum

Full Version: [ignored] Numeric input fields doesn't consider ","
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As the title says, the numeric input fields (Pressing tab while moving, scaling, etc) doesn't read "," as "." as 1.5.4 did, this means things get moved/scaled/etc. "wrong".

Would it be possible to have Wings3D read it the same way as it did before? Being able to use the numpad greatly increases my speed, but if I can't use the numpad "," key, it's quite disruptive to my workflow.
I agree since I have Swedish computer that uses , as well, but I'm going to ignore this at the moment since it is not easy to do.

I can not convert it since wings allows to write expressions in entry boxes
stuff like atan2(34.34, 212.2) where ',' is the delimiter in for arguments.
Does anyone know of a way to chance the input the numeric comma produces? I've tried changing my language and currency settings, but that didn't do the trick.

This thing keeps tripping me up and I'm still have a very hard time getting used to it, despite it having been over a year since it was changed.

I understand the reasoning for ignoring it, I suppose, I just wish there was a way I could circumvent it, since I never ever have to use commas in those fields.