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Full Version: [ignored] Ctrl-insert to set a hotkey only works when hovering the geometry window
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Shouldn't it be independent of where your mouse is?
Yeah, It'd really like to bind F2 to renaming in the geometry graph, but it doesn't seem possible.
Maybe because Tweak uses F1, F2, F3 to set X,Y,Z constraints.
That isn't the issue. Even if I try to bind it to "J" it doesn't work. The same things goes for the AutoUV window; can't bind shortcuts there either.
Oh, I understood your point now.
Came here to post this exact problem. The only way I have been able to do it is hit ctrl-insert before navigating through the right click menu to find what I wanted to set a hot-key for. My prior method was to go to the place in the menu, think to myself "Boy I use this a lot" and THEN hitting Ctrl-insert and binding it to a hot key.
Wegg, it is not possible to catch key presses once you have opened a menu,
so I had to change the order of how it is done.

Also it currently only work on geom windows...