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Full Version: [fixed] OSX, In AutoUV segmenting window, hotkeys doesn't work.
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In AutoUV segmenting window, hotkeys does't work.
(Note: This does not mean of AutoUV window.)

For example 'space' key for unselection and 'A' for Aim commands in menu of AutoUV segmenting window.
Then,there is no reaction anything in AutoUV segmenting window.

Wings3D 2.0.1 OSX 10.10.5, 10.9.5 , 64bit
tkbd, I cannot experience that in my Windows version. Can you confirm that is only in OSX?
Yes I will.
It happen only OSX. In Windows,it worked fine.

To further add I compare Wings v1.5.4 and v2.0.1( in OSX).
v2.01 behave strange on osx.
Somehow the effect of the hotkey(and the selections) on the UV-Segmenting window is apply into Geomerty window.

In v1.5.4
It effect of the hotkey and selection state doesn't link between UV-segmenting window and Geomery window.
(It is correct work)

Postponed, it is fixed on a dev branch but it depends on many other changes so the fix will have to wait until that branch is released.