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Perhaps, Wings3D user would follow in one of the following workflows.
This is macroscopic "How to".
I want to share it with everyone.

***The workflow of modeling and texturing ***
Easy way,The fastest method of make a model, as far as I know.
1. Make a texture image.
2. Modeling.
3. Using SnapImage command,assign the texture to each surface part of the 3D model.
This might easily approachable for beginners, begcause omit Segmenting and UV unwrap process.

Steady way.
1. Modeling according to a 3-view drawing image(a rough sketch).
2. Segmenting - UV Unwrap
3. Edit a UV shell layout
4. Bake the UV shell to a texture.
5. Use a grid texture to examine the distortion of texel.
6. Edit the texture by external graphic softwares.
7. Update the texture for quality up.(Try & Error)

*** The workflow of a image rendering. ***
Most easy way

Take a screenshot of objects in Geometry window on Wings3D.

Simple way for multipass image compositing by 2D graphic softwares
1. Make a model
2.View>Shaders (GLSL shader)
*"Vetex normal color" for make cartoon edge extraction.
*"Depth" for make Depth of field blur.
*"Enviroment map" for make Environment map reflection.
3. Save screenshot and export their.
4.Composite by 2D graphic softwares(Photoshop,GIMP etc).

Steady way.
1. Install other renderers(Yafaray,Pov-Ray,TheBounty,Kerkythea etc)
2. Make the setting for linking these.
3. Make a model(*See Modeling workflow)
4. For each material,apply optimal settings for these renderers.
5. In the Export dialog, perform a variety of settings. (Blur,Shadow,Multipass)
