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Full Version: Something Not Right - Lines not showing
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Trying to do simple things that just worked forever, and now suddenly not.

It seems that no matter what I do I cannot "connect" 2 vertices.
Rather, I can connect them but there is no line onscreen to indicate that the verts have been connected.

I have also stopped seeing the red (selected) and orange (marked) lines. What have I done? This is making my Wings3d experience awful!
Some questions... Smile
- Are you still using the same machine you were using when you didn't get this problem? (maybe a hardware issue)
- Are you still using the same version of Wings3d program before and after get this problem? (maybe a software issue)
- Haven't you enabled the Work mode or played with any other View option?
- What is the version of the program you are using?
Version 1.4.1
Windows 7
Same machine
I have tried many "view modes" and I am not seeing the lines in any mode (except wireframe)
I may have altered my video hardware acceleration settings. Is there a settings file someplace I can attach?

Also in ANY mode the orange "mark for cut" lines don't show.
It seems a video card related problem: Nvidia or ATI?

(i would suggest you go to Edit|Preferences|Misc/Edge display problem and alter those values,
buy i think this can solved by trying another video card config)