Wings 3D Development Forum

Full Version: Favourite Mlab option
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Hi there,

I was just thinking if we can make some contest and choose 3 favourite Mlab options in...
Let me start with:

1. Tubes from paths - this is 'must be' option for everyone who wants to create stuff like engines or shoelace. I wish you good luck working without it...
2. Boleans operation - mostly used when creating some frame. Joining pipes/tubes/cylinders is time-consuming. But with this option you do it much faster.
3. move: arrangements (Object -> lots more) For Blender users it's known as Array. Helpful and irreplaceable for all 'copy and move' objects like: fence or tire tread

And what's you favourite option?

BR, Hank
Hank ... nice to hear from you.

My favorite options are the TWO ways in which you can put surface adaptive triangle mesh to replace a quad mesh or a messy quad-tri mixed mesh.

Very often it is just enough not to have ANY sliver triangles. Not to mention and adaptive triangle mesh is step 1 on way to having a foamy cellular looking mesh (more organic looking).