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Full Version: Dilemma of hotkeys
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I have gripes for hotkey notation.
It is possible to register two or more of the hot key to the command, but there is no space to display all the menu.
Also I understand particularity of Wings3D Smile.

For example, Wings can allocate to command following hotkeys.
Quote:Disolve LMB <= Bksp
Disolve RMB <= CTRL+M
But a Context Menu display only LMB's key combination.
Quote:"Disolve Bksp"
This is,An user can't know intuitively hotkeys for RMB.

Hotkey system is many commands compete for registering to limited key-name resources.
If the default-key is setted,User-configurable hotkey characters also be less.

In the case of Wings3D,it has 2 complex hotkey(+mouseBTNs) system that default and Tweak mode,
it is difficult to quickly access the desired command.

Wings3D's hot-key system is unique and complex.
The system become dysfunction if the commands continus to increase.

So,I think it is nessesary assign a function to a simple hotkey array RATHER THAN assign a hotkey to a function on until now

For example Launcher palette,it can a registered command calling by fixed-hotkey.(It can also be accessed by mouse operation.)
It is ofen adopt in 3D game seamlessly work which required in real time.
From a many items,it must used quickly depending on the situation.
(FPS Games,MMO RPGs,VoxelGame for example MineCraft etc...)
And...According to the working-phase, switch ome of the registration pattern.
