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Full Version: Drawing Integrated Circuits
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I want to draw ICs and am struggling to add the dimple that usually marks pin 1 like in this picture


Can someone please outline the steps to do this?

I have done the legs too but I drew 1 leg and then used Duplicate many times over, is there an array function in Wings?

Thanks in advance.
Except if you need to use a small amount of faces the easier way to do this kind of object (as I see) is to working with a grid.

In that situation you have the option to extract a side face to create the face and then use Put On [RMB] to automatically duplicate it over the all other lateral faces.
For the dimple, the use of many faces (edges) will help you to create it easily too by using circularize.

If nobody else give you anything else soon I'm going to prepare a small tutorial about how to run these steps.
Gandalf_Sr, I ended up producing a step by step and added it to the How To session. Please check the thread Integrated Circuits
Micheus, Great job thank you so much.
very nice video! thanks a lot for all your work and effort