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Full Version: Saving materials causes Wings to crash...
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Wings frequently crashes when saving materials. It seems to happen if either the Outliner or Geometry Graph windows are displayed when the material is saved. No crash dump generated. Has happened on various model files or even when no object has been created. I can generally reproduce the error simply by saving (when either creating or editing) a material with either the Outliner or Geometry Graph windows open. But there are times when it does not crash. I've not been able to determine the exact trigger.

I'm using Wings 2.05 on Linux Mint 17.3 'Rosa' MATE 64-bit.
Hmm, vill make some tests to try to reproduce. Thanks for bug report.
If you figure out more info/trigger it would of course help.
A little more focus after spending about 30 minutes trying to recreate the problem:

Every time it crashes, I have used the choose color dialog (CCD) to set diffuse, or ambient or specular or emission. If I use the sliders, it does not seem to cause a crash. Sometimes, if I have used the CCD and THEN adjust the sliders or set/ignore vertex color or adjust shininess or opacity, I can usually successfully save the material. Not true in every case, but in most.

So the crash seems to be associated with using the choose color dialog.

However, I can assign a vertex color in the 3d window by using the CCD. Then, choosing the object|vertex attributes|color to material command I can successfully create a material with a color. Editing the material and using the CCD to change the color (and making no other adjustments) results in Wings crashing.
Are you using the latest version 2.0.5? I ask because I had this problem in a previous 2.0 release but it was fixed (and works for me) in one of the newer releases...

Yes, according the about dialogue and the directory names it is version 2.05. According to the dates on the files it looks like I installed it around June 10, 2016.

It was a new install (since I had changed operating systems from Suse to Mint). Mint doesn't have Wings in its repositories so I'm pretty sure I installed the Wings executable from this site. I know I did not compile from source.
I am running on Windows so maybe the bug was fixed for windows and not for Linux???

I've been having this exact same problem on Windows.
Thanks for the bugreport, I have seen one crash which happens because the stack on windows was to small.
That one will be fixed in the next release (required a fix in erlang which have been released now).
We will use that in the next release, I don't know if it is the same problem on Linux though.

So hopefully fixed Undecided