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Full Version: [Fixed] Dialog window hide behind of the main window by LMB click.
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When Opened dialogs operation.
for example Body | Something primitive | RMB , Camera Positon or Camera setting dialog.

If LMB click on anywhere of the main window, the main window moves to the front.

So the dialog window hide behind of the main window.
This interferes with an User's operation.
Pleaae fix this Sad

(The case of MMB(move camera) or RMB(camera reset) click no problem)

MacOS 10.11.6
Wings3D 2.1.2
wxWidgets Mac variant have some problems with the handling of dialogs,
I have tried to workaround that previously, but removed the workaround in 2.1.2 because
I thought it worked ok and the workaround caused other dialog problems.

If you got an error dialog when in another dialog, the error dialog came behind the first dialog
and you didn't see it and the whole wings app seemed to hang.

I will do some more testing, it might be that me and Björn have different wxWidgets versions and
it is fixed in the version I use but not in the version Björn uses.
Thank you for tell me the state of circumstances.

I checked the wx version on Wings v2.1.2.
Quote:2D-API: wxWidgets:
On the other hand, wxWidgets's latest version is 3.1.0

All that's left,We just to wait for the latest version to be work into Wings.
Tried a new workaround, which seems to work better.