Wings 3D Development Forum

Full Version: Installing for first time
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I'm really new here.
I have just downloaded Wings 3D.
I now have a file
What the heck to I do next?
When I click on it, I get:
Could not open the file /home/joe/Downloads/
gedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.
Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.
Select a character encoding from the menu and try again.

I am running Mint Linux.

Are there no instructions anywhere?

Sorry for such a lame beginners question.

Welcome to our community joe.

Please check the answer in this post. It must should work for you too.
Ain't Mint Grand?

Go to your downloads folder. Right click on the wings***.run file and select 'Properties'. In the properties dialogue, click on the 'Permissions' tab and make sure that the 'Allow executing file as program' is checked. I have found that this is frequently not selected after downloading and it must be to allow the installation script to run. Close this window.

Right click the wings***.run file a second time and select 'open'. This should bring up a dialogue box asking you how you want to run the program. Select 'Run in Terminal' to run the installation script. Once the installation script has completed (you should see the terminal open, run and close quite quickly) you should have a 'wings-###' folder in your home directory. From within this folder you can either run the Wings shell script directly (or from the terminal) or you can click on the Wings3d desktop configuration file to start the program. You can also copy this file to your desktop if you choose. If you do copy it you might want to open its properties (as above) to ensure that the command points to the Wings executable file.
