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Full Version: 1000 degree bend?
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Hi, I hope someone can help. I've never been able to work out the angle when making a bend in the middle of an object. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. It was a 100u length 3u dia cylinder which I've bent using bend clamped to 90° as well as I can by eye which turns out to be 1000° in the interface. Where does the 1000° come from. The centre section is pi*d/2 long which gives me a 3u radius as intended. I generally get round this by making just the elbow and extruding the ends but I'd like to know what the relationship between the intended angle and the interface readout is.


(01-14-2017, 12:14 PM)changrilla Wrote: [ -> ]It was a 100u length 3u dia cylinder which I've bent using bend clamped to 90° as well as I can by eye which turns out to be 1000° in the interface. Where does the 1000° come from.
I have no idea from where it came, but I'm sure it should work as expected. Look this:
Duh, that simple. I'd been picking the top of the rod as the top of the rod.

Many thanks

Take a look at Fonte Boa's video
Interesting but look at the angle as he does the bend. It's about 12°. in that case it's fairly obvious what's going on. Once it's bent 360° each segment occupies 1/30 of a full circle. In the case of the bend in the middle of a rod it isn't so obvious. But no need to dig any deeper. I was doing it wrong, job sorted, thanks.

