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I am trying to figure out how to batch import multiple obj and collada files when wings starts up.
I'm new to erlang, and taken a look at the code in: e3d_obj.erl, wings_console.erl, wings_start.erl, wpa.erl, wpc_collada.erl, and wings_plugin.erl.

So far i have this code, which loads my obj, but then fails to update the view or show it in the Wings UI. What am i missing?

{ok, E3DFile} = e3d_obj:import("/home/username/test.obj").
St0 = wpa:get_state().
wings_import:import(E3DFile, St0).
I'm not expert, so maybe my suggestion can not to work. Smile

Import will return the new #st{}, then maybe you just need to update it by send that information to the main geometry window who handle most the command messages:
St = wings_import:import(E3DFile, St0),
wings_wm:send_after_redraw(geom, {update_state,St}).
actually i'm getting an error from `wings_import:import(E3dFile, wpa:get_state()).`
the error is:
** exception error: no function clause matching
                    gb_trees:get_1(wings_shape,nil) (gb_trees.erl, line 244)
     in function  wings_shape:new/3 (wings_shape.erl, line 64)
     in call from wings_import:translate_objects/7 (wings_import.erl, line 46)
     in call from wings_import:import/2 (wings_import.erl, line 31)
Did you already tried to print out the value of St0 in the line bellow?
St0 = wpa:get_state().
printing St0 gives this:
Yeap, it's a invalid (null) #st{}