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Full Version: Yafaray rendering error
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I got the Yafaray plugin installed, however when I try to render an object I get these messages:

Reading preferences from: c:/Users/edkol/AppData/Roaming/Wings3D/Preferences.txt
Grabbed focus lost old?: dialog_blanket geom
Grabbed focus lost old?: dialog_blanket geom
Exporting to: c:/Users/edkol/Desktop/wpc_yafaray-9632-HQQ2FP.xml
for render to: c:/Users/edkol/Desktop/Portrait_Frigate.png
Mesh w_Escort: triangulating...done
Mesh w_Escort: exporting...done
Rendering Job started <0.260.0>:
> c:/Users/edkol/DOCUME~1/Apps/YAFARA~1/bin/YAFARA~1.EXE -pp C:\Users\edkol\Documents\Apps\yafaray_v3\bin -f png wpc_yafaray-9632-HQQ2FP.xml c:/Users/edkol/Desktop/Portrait_Frigate
[21:56:42] INFO: YafaRay Core (v3.3.0) Windows 64bit MinGW GCC
[21:56:42] INFO: The plugins path is: C:\Users\edkol\Documents\Apps\yafaray_v3\bin
[21:56:42] INFO: Environment: Loading plugins ...
GetProcAddress error: 127

The GetProcAddress error then repeats itself several dozen times Tongue And then more errors:

failed to open C:\Users\edkol\Documents\Apps\yafaray_v3\bin/yafaray_v3_interface_ruby.dll, LoadLibrary error: A dynamic link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
GetProcAddress error: 127
GetProcAddress error: 127
[21:56:45] ERROR (+ 3s): Environment: There is no image handlers registrered
[21:56:45] ERROR: Couldn't find any valid image format, image handlers missing?

Rendering Job returned: 1
Export time: 0.119"
Render time: 3.278"
Total time: 3.397"
Rendering error: 1

What could be going on here?
Did you define the plugins path? I see from your other post that you figured out how to define the location for the .exe file. You have to do the same similar thing for the plugins path. I think that is your problem but not sure. Be sure to read the "Help" in the "YafaRay Options" dialog box where you defined the location for the .exe file.

Oops! I misread plugins path as path to the executable; when I set it to the right path, it worked - thanks! Now I wonder why the materials I set up aren't rendering; everything's the same color....
You need to modify the YafaRay material settings (Edit Material) in the Outliner. After clicking Edit Material you will see a separate tab for YafaRay and also Pov-Ray, if you have configured the Pov-Ray plugin.

Be sure to click the Help buttons in the various dialog boxes. You will find important info there. There needs to be more Help buttons but what is there is important.
