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Full Version: MMB + Folder
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Hi there,
W3D 2.2.1
Linux Xubuntu

Middle mouse button for geometry graph seems to not working at all.
I tried in 1.5.4 and when pressed on eye icon it turns ON/OFF visibility for object within one folder. RMB makes ON/OFF for all object (within and outside the folder)
In 2.2.1 works only RMB... or maybe it's only sytem mouse configuration?

BR, Hank
Hank, did you took a look at the information bar or the item's tooltip? I think that was changed a bit it the inclusion of a modify key. (I may be wrong)

For 1.5.4 I have informations [L - toggle visibility of active object, M- toggle visibility for object in folder, R - toggle visibility for all other objects]
For 2.2.1 - the only message I have is: Move selected object to this folder

BR, Hank
Sorry, I checked and there is not tooltip for the Outline window. Blush

But, for the information line in Windows is showing it right:
[L - toggle visibility of active object, M- toggle visibility for object in folder, [Shift] R - toggle visibility for all other objects]

It looks like something related to Linux.
yeah, now I see it.
Checked. It works.
Thank you for confirmation.

BR, Hank