Wings 3D Development Forum

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Is it possible to add colors to Text in Wings3 Text dialog boxes?
Specifically to reflect those of the 3d arrow gizmo at the btm. left.

make the X - RED
make the Y - Green
make the Z - Blue

an example would be the move dialog box!

You can set your choice of color for Menu Text, amongst others, in the [Edit | Preferences | User Interface ] tab. Hours of fun to be had there.

But that changes ALL of the Menu Text to that color. Individual pieces of text for menu, dialog, Info line, etc., don't have color attributes that can be set, although most can be translated into other languages.

So I think that's a No.
I also looked in preferences. I was primarily looking to make a visual color connection. I do a lot of work in SketchUp which unfortunately has never correctly orientated their XYZ axis to what most 3d programs have adopted including Wing3d.