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Full Version: [solved] Gtk-Message: 10:43:50.528: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
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Hello to all,

I have just install Wings3D, but I get a Gtk-Message message. Don't know what a limitation I now get? In the moment it looks fine for me.
➜  wings-2.2.4 sh ./wings            
Gtk-Message: 10:43:50.528: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
OpenCL not available: undef
2019-10-03T10:43:51.533956+02:00 warning:
The on_load function for module cl returned:
{error,{load_failed,"Failed to load NIF library /home/gutschy/wings-2.2.4/lib/cl-1.2.4/priv/cl_nif: ' cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'"}}

Could not initialize OpenCL: env lighting limited
It looks like two problems to me:
Canberra gtk lib - it seems to be related to theme sound. Maybe because we module may be trying to load it based on you gtk theme (??!? - I m not a regular Linux user). Anyway, googling for it give us a lot of answer.

Open CL drivers - its absence will Limite the environment light and high levels of proxy mode. None of them will really compromise your use o Wings3D.
But, if you have a graphic card with opencl support you may want to install it's driver. There's also a lot of topics about that because it depends on your distro and GPU manufacturer.
Hi micheus,

thanks for your help again. My goal for Wings3D is to make some simple 3D-printing models. So I think it's all fine to me now. Smile
