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Full Version: 6-axis rotation with a 2-axis device
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ok, that includes panning which is basically a rotation with a center that is _very_ far away.

in some positions, it is quite easy to look around a specific region of an object. on other places, some rotations are basically impossible to achieve. I looked for a modificator key to tell wings "rotate around this axis instead of the usual one"

does that feature exist?
To look around any region of an object, you should to use the View->Aim Highlight.

The shortcut is 'A' after select something.
oh, the definitely saves time scrolling around.

but not my question Undecided
Ok, you are talking about the camera rotation and not object rotation. Right?

The camera can only be moved in the standard axis. There is no Roll option (although it seems to be an interesting option):

(source: wikipedia)

For objects, you can define an Default Axis that can be used in commands like Move and Rotate (for that option) - its is found at Tools menu.
rotating objects is not the issue here (although I haven't found a way to rotate a group of objects as a single object.. while doing this I even had different parts of the object not rotating the same way).

it is _really_ about rotating the camera around the "two-axii singularity"