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Full Version: Comma as decimal separator
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Would it be possible to also accept comma as a decimal separator for numeric inputs again? Half the world has comma in their numpads instead of period. Accepting both would speed up numeric inputs.

Older versions of Wings accepted commas from the numpad (even though wings still displayed a period).
Quote:Would it be possible to also accept comma as a decimal separator for numeric inputs again?

Hi KrisBee
that again suggests it's not possible in the current version, but it has been working that way since v2.2.6 (I checked it here again to confirm)

It was after this discussion from late in 2019: [fixed] comma vs dot

Which version and OS are you taking about?
I'm using on Windows 10 pro.
So do I.

In which situation are you not able to get the comma "replaced" by a dot?
It works for me in all input dialogs.
I figured out what was going on. When giving numeric input it doesn't accept commas if you don't type anything before the comma.

So 0,1 is ok but ,1 isn't. Where as 0.1 and .1 are both ok. My bad.
Nice you figured it out.

Thanks for the feedback.