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Full Version: Version 1.5.4?
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Hello everybody!
New Wings3D-Fan here with my first post..
Does anybody have or know where I can get the 1.5.4-version of ManifoldLab?
I have two reasons for asking: first, my old Thinkpad seems to run that version of Wings much smoother than the newer versions. And then I also find the old UI with the computery font and so on really cosy and cute Smile
Thank you!
You may have noticed that it has been long time since last post from ggaliens here as well as his ManifoldLab's homepage is not working anymore too. Smile

So, the answer to your question is no. There is no place to find the oficial install of ggaliens' version anymore.

In order to help you, I can offer you a copy of the latest one I kept on my PC if you are under Windows OS.
You can find a copy of it: wings3d_v2.0.0.2018-01-15.mlab (it's zipped). Also, despite the v2.0 it's using in fact the v1.5.4 UI.
Thanks a lot. Yeah that is nearly the 1.5.4 UI - the font is different, but maybe I can restore that. And the Right Click Context Menus look a bit different too. I don't know what else changed in that version, I'm going to test how it runs on my Thinkpad later. Yes, I've noticed that ManifoldLab seems kind of abandoned :/

Maybe someone who sees this still has an older version (doesn't need to be exactly 1.5.4) Smile

Man, I'm really impressed with the Booleans - e.g. they don't seem to have much of a problem with touching same size faces the way Blender has. It's a bit sad that ManifoldLabs hasn't been integrated in Wings or is developed further. I hope ggaliens is doing fine.
Anyway, thanks again for your help!
JFYI, the current version of Wings3D offers booleans operations natively.
But, I think you limitation to run it is the old PC, right?!
Yes, it is - though I might be able to get a new PC soon. In this case I'll definitely check out the new version with booleans!