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Full Version: Grayscale expected
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After importing grayscale images (Metallic/Roughness/Ambient Occlusion) and applying them to material Wings says "Expected a gray scale image, converting" despite those images already being grayscale.

I found out that after importing image into wings it automatically converts it to RGB (by importing grayscale image and then right click in the Outliner -> Export...).
Hi markie
I may have to check the code, but I think the message is displayed when you have an image with three - RGB (or four - RGBA) channels.

Does your grayscale uses only one channel?
Hi micheus.
Yes, I after I open image in GIMP it shows only one grey channel.

Maybe it's something to do with sRGB/gamma?

Another issue is that after applying Roughness map model becomes very glossy/wet/varnished. Same issue exist in Unreal, and solution was to disable sRGB/use Linear light.
As a workaround I was increasing gamma manually in GIMP.
Is there an option to do so within Wings?
About the map, You can control it's influence by using the slides for roughness, metallic which we can set them to 1.0 when a map exists. That means we are going to apply "pure" values in the map.

For the base colour, if the map exists, set the colour to white.
Right, totally forgot I can control the maps. Thank You Biggrin
Update: Wings also exports grayscale images as RGB.
If you create gray image from channel (within wings) and then export it you will get an image with three channels.
I don't think any of our image format implementations can export only one channel.
So you will have live with those wasted bytes and warning :-)
Or send me a PR for the image formats.