Wings 3D Development Forum

Full Version: Mesh Bump plugin (restored)
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This was one of the first plugins I created back in 2011 (Mesh Bump - a new plugin in study - W.I.P)
As someone at Discord asked about it I just reworked it to be compatible with the current Wings3D v2.3. It can be found here for download.

The idea is to use it over a mesh with a grayscale image (depth) to deform the mesh. It multiplies the distance for the range of the pixel colour (0..1).

An example of use is bellow. In it I selected only the faces on the interest area and then increased the mesh density twice by using Smooth [RMB]:
[Image: mesh-bump-process.png]

The result is directly related to the image quality (and range).
So, by using Gimp I shrank the colour range (right image) to get a better mesh definition and elevation.
[Image: mesh-bump-comparison.png]

There is an old video showing how it can be used:

Thank you for restoring this plugin. This is one of my favorite plugins that you created.

micheus, looks interesting.
Thanks for informations about it.