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Mark here is a challenge for you. I do know the passion you have with geometric formations, so I did think about a 'cut to chunks' tool. The whole idea is easy to understand: you slice an object -as is the case in the first image- and then you click 'cut to chunks', for having a result as the one in the second image (the object is 'exploded' in the image, of course). We do have already the 'slice' tool, so the only needed thing is a way of cutting the sliced object to chunks...

I don't know the difficulty of programming such a thing but... as an idea it is good I think... : - )

[Image: Cuttochunks_zpsb71d2b57.jpg]
Why not just two loop cuts .... One along one axis and then one more on second axis???
'Why not just two loop cuts .... One along one axis and then one more on second axis???'

Because in such a case when you loop cut by the slice lines you do not get chunks (you can produce them by connecting the corresponding vertices manually... but in cases you would need the object be cut to a lot of chunks the whole task would become extremely tedious). The image below is explaining the case (it first is sliced and then cut by the slice loops... as is evident there are no chunks around but only two dimensional surfaces):

[Image: Cuttochunks_c_zps7f6ae52e.jpg]
Object | Slice > mmb worked fine for me, D.

Well... I did not know that there was a mmb option that does such a thing. I had the impression that the 'slice' tool draws only loops on an object. This is great indeed. Thanks Paul. : - )

(given that things are so, you can delete this post too... but I think it is better to leave it, because there may be some other ones who can learn about the mmb function)