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I recently submitted two "_fr.lang" files on GitHub and i dont know if it's something new, but the site said it created a new "branch" for each of them.

First, i'm not sure what a branch is, second, is there a way to submit files that will be in same branch ?

Also, i think that Wings got updated a lot since i created my fork (as it was apparently required to submit a file). I didn't see any button to update it. Does it update itself automatically ? Or maybe it was updated when i submitted my translation a few days ago ?

Thanks for any advice.
Even though I fear that the best advice would be to install the Git software. Shy
TulipVorlax, I checked you master repository and it is out-of-date. I think that is a good habit preserve it in synchronism with dgud's one. So, after the last version be released it's a good idea rebase your master branch.

There are a small reference guide for git commands in this thread: Working with GitHub repository
You will find there a session named: "Updating your master branch with the official one"

After you have your master branch updated, I think that it could be useful you create a new branch only for version translation. In the past, they suggested me to prefix the branch with my initials (mv) like this: mv/buf_fix_1.5.2. Maybe you could use something like that.

Then, you can make the translations file-by-file. You can commit at any time. You can push it to your git repository, but you only make a pull request after you have finished translating all files you think be necessary or adding new ones.
This way, you don't need to create one branch for each file you are correcting.

I hope this could help you. I'm not the expert, but I can share what I've learned until now. Smile
I think what i dont like about the Git software is that it feel like returning to old DOS.
Not that much of a problem because i still use the shorcut that target "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe" from time to time (i'm sorry i only know the french name of the shortcut).

What i was doing until now, is installing last version of Wings from website or from a snapshot and using thoses files to work with. One benefit is that i dont have to copy the files to check them in a running Wings. Because, when there's a lot to of adding and removing, it's still possible that i forget a "," to be remove or added on previous line.

But, maybe that way my translations are always oudated because of recents changes in GIT..
I downloaded the software from their website, but in Windows version. Smile
Followings the instructions, i get the following error (at the end) :

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits réservés.

E:\[...]\GitHub\wings [master]> git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
E:\[...]\GitHub\wings [master]> git checkout master
Already on 'master'
E:\[...]\GitHub\wings [master]> git fetch origin
E:\[...]\GitHub\wings [master]> git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at ba74547 Updated to
E:\[...]\GitHub\wings [master]> git rebase dgud/master
fatal: Needed a single revision
invalid upstream dgud/master
you don't have the dgud's repository added to your remote repository list!
If you fetch the origin, you will always updating you local branch with your remote branch - that was not what I suggest you and isn't what that instructions intend to. See: "Updating your master branch with the official one" - the official one is (currently) dgud's fork.

To fix that you need to run this first:
$ git remote add dgud git://

and then you can run:
$ git fetch dgud
$ git reset --hard dgud/master

This way you will be overwriting your local master with the dgud/master (the current 1.5.2).
If you have already done any changes to some lang files, maybe it would be a good idea backup it before.
Thoses 3 commands gave no error.

I didn't backup anything because my work files are in my current installation of Wings 1.5.2, but now i'll need to use the *_en.lang from the repo to translate from and verify new and removed string. I think i'll still "work" directly in my installation so i can test the files without any need to copy them over in each separate folder. And when ready, it wont be too difficult to search for *_fr.lang and copy them to the repo.

Previoulsy i was using a little piece of VB.Net software i made to copy the files (backing up the old one, deleting old backup) to the "make default" version of Wings found in registry, but the app can't guess where to put new files. Hum.... Thinking about it more, i think i had found a way by making it look where the english file was, but i'm not too sure about it. This app was also so i can install my translation easy on my friend's computer, but... Maybe i sould check back on this.

Anyways. Thanks for the help. And a good year to all of you.
Ok, lets try again...

I tried to create a script for those users who wants help us with the translations of language files, so please take a look at this post: Working with GitHub for Translations
I would like if you could try and help me to make it simple and useful (we need more translators). Smile

If you (or someone else) decide to help me with this, please put comments here. Thanks.
Here what git status say :
E:\...\GitHub\wings [master]> git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

So i suppose i'm ready to create a branch and resume work ? That mean step #9 ?

My next comment/question will be on that other subject you just created, i promise. Wink
(01-02-2014, 02:06 AM)TulipVorlax Wrote: [ -> ]So i suppose i'm ready to create a branch and resume work ? That mean step #9 ?
yeap. Smile