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Full Version: Round bevel
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Hi to all,

I'm doing round bevels selecting the loops of a chamfer and chamfering again and again... xD

Is there any better procedure to make the chamfers more regular?
I know is not fair to compare but I'm used to blender's bevel, where you can set the radius.

It's a bit tedius, but if you've beveled a few times, select the "loop" of the bevel in edge mode and use circularize. Repeat with each loop, to make it regular.
After 1st Bevel, i select the resultant Edge Ring, Cut them in 4 parts (for example), Connect them (rmb option), expand the selection hitting E(dge), Deselect Previous (under Select top menu) and finish using Circularize. Wink

edit: it seems me and Nova were typing together... Smile
I forgot that the correct term was edge ring though Smile Thanks for clearing that up.
Thanks! I have tested it and it worked, but when the angle turns I'm getting weird results. I will do more tests.

Thank you all.
I've recorded my steps: sorry for be soooo slowly. I didnt use any shortcuts so that the video could be more didatic.

Great video, thanks!
I would try an other option, but I'm not able to sit in front a PC for a couple of weeks. I'm using my wings tablet. Smile

Arg Arg , that is a interesting approach for your tutos - how to achieve actions we have in other applications but not in wings (at least not explicitly).
I've tried Flowconnect and its great! Only I have to remember to check possible offsets.

Also, is there any wishlist for new versions?

michelus, wings tablet? o_O
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