Wings 3D Development Forum

Full Version: Hi, new here :)
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Hi, I am just starting with Wings,
where i can get Tutorials?

Thanks Smile
User or spammer?!

(01-30-2015, 07:31 AM)denis012 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I am just starting with Wings,
where i can get Tutorials?
- You will find a lot of video tutorials in the Fonte Boa's channel - Wings3d Channel (YouTube) and some comments at the thread Wings3d Channel Tutorials. I have some too - link.
- At the thread named Documentation Project you will fin the WINGS 3D Help Dictionary. A huge work from tkbd that can be used like a big reference card.
- You still have the WINGS 3D USER MANUAL (under development).
- Always pay attention to the Information line - It tell us a lot about the commands and options.

Ok, no one likes read docs, but at least you can take a look and knowing about the resources available for something you would like to create in the future. Wink
User Smile
Thanks you!
Welcome to our community. Smile
Welcome @ denis012 to our forum Smile
enjoy your stay.