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Full Version: [W.I.P.] Curve Tools plugin
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Test/debugging the 'Put On' command.
I already played with it a couple of times before and I still found one or two. But, it seems to be ok by now.

I've been working a couple of hours each day testing, fixing and making some adjustments.

Time to test/debug the 'Sweep' command.
It has some
I've had to do tracks with Sketchup, it was quite a challenge!
there is path tools now but in pic I had to do it more manually

great work I'm looking forward to having a play sometime
I just started to work in a freehand option which is only useful if we can create mesh dynamically drawing over a surface.

It's just in embryonic stage, just like the old project from 2013 which I lose the source code that year:

but, I hope I can make it work like a simplified version of Curve Mesh in ZBrush.
I see potential to use it for drawing cartoon style hair - let me see what i can come up with. Smile
I think it seems that can also be naturally create to objects like grasses and plants.
I looking forward to the polish up of these tools.
It's getting an eternity to get this new stuff available - it's a different approach (not Wings3D standard) and I don't have enough time to focused on it. So, I decided to make the plugin available as a first version.

I recorded a lazy introduction about it just to justify my option for the use of a separated Geometry window, its preferences and how to start the curve creation.
Everything is on Information line as usual on Wings3D.

Explore the menus, make samples, share ideas of use and report any bug found (I hope you don't find them Smile)
You should download the .tar file here. Use the File->Install Plug-in or Path to install it.
It was tested to work with the current version: v2.2.6

Cool! I'll take a look a bit later.
micheus,Wow I've been waiting the plugin.
Thanks for make this plugin!
It's a larger plugin than I expected, but it useful Smile.

Now I'm testing it.
And I got some error logs,and will report them later.

Simple Advice for User
  • The installed plugin active : From menu Tools >curve
  • If you want edit easily the curve.Tweak Mode enable, and Set "Tweak AXIS" to only check "from cursor".
    So you can edit a curve as like Draw tool.
Hi Micheus.
Install the plugin using the menu File -> install plugin.
Wings responds that it installed the plugin correctly, but it doesn't load. It does not appear in any menu. What would be the problem?
I use version 2.2.6.
Thanks a lot.
Hi,I suceed to install/working the plugin with on iMac.
but it is failed that working the plugin on another Mac mini Sad.
(Both Wings3D versions are v2.2.6)

Maybe it is same as result of ismacou reported.
I also checked that console log, and found a following error.
wpc_curves:init/0 bad return value: {'EXIT',
Using OpenCL via gpu:Name Apple:VSN: OpenCL 1.2 (May  5 2020 21:50:52)
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